
Beautiful new features and important updates are added to Prepr on a daily basis. This changelog gives you an insight into the most eye-catching releases. Be aware that updates can be rolled out in phases so they may not always be available in all Prepr environments at the same time.

Latest | 2023 | 2022 | 2021

Define your own fields for Assets

May 14th, 2024

We are very excited to bring you the long-awaited feature to add fields to Assets. It is now possible to define your own fields to keep track of asset-specific info like Copyright or Source in addition to the core asset fields for the title, description and the author. Now, it's also possible to enable localization for your assets. This means your editors can enter information about assets in the locale that is relevant for them. This feature gives you the flexibility to create your own Asset content structure with localization and makes it much easier for the front end to retrieve additional information about assets.

This feature introduces a new Asset model available to any user who has access to the Prepr Schema or Shared schema.

core asset fields

When you enable localization on the Asset model, the fields in each asset will be available for all available locales.

Check out the Asset model doc for more details.

Organize your models and components with Schema folders

May 10th, 2024

It's now possible to organize your models and components into folders. When you have dozens of models or components, these folders make it easier to find related models or related components instead of scanning a long alphabetical list. For example, when you have multiple components which are used as section of a page.

Schema folder

Speed up text editing with new AI Generate and AI Optimize features

April 30th, 2024

We are very pleased to bring you two new features, AI Generate and AI Optimize. The AI Generate feature generates new text on request, for example, when a content editor wants to create a summary based on the main body text of an article. AI Optimize helps content editors to improve existing text, for example, to make their text longer, shorter or simpler. Both features make it quicker and easier for content editors to create more engaging text in their content.

Generate and Improve example

Go to the Schema tab to set up the AI parameters for these features in the relevant Text fields. Check out the Text field settings for more details.


The AI Generate and AI Optimize features can only be enabled on the Text field.

Use Frontify brand assets in Prepr content

April 9th, 2024

As requested, we've added a DAM integration to Prepr CMS to allow content editors to access Frontify brand assets in Prepr content. This integration gives you the benefit of ensuring that your assets are brand-compliant and allows you to maintain a single source for these assets.

With this built-in integration, it's easy to set up a connection between Prepr CMS and your Frontify account. When your request for activation has been approved, you can activate the Frontify app in Prepr.

Once done, content editors can include Frontify assets in their content items.

embed images from frontify


Once the Frontify integration has been activated for an environment, the Prepr Media Library will no longer be available to any user. This is to ensure a consistent single source of assets for content delivery.

For detailed instructions on integrating Frontify, please refer to the Frontify integration guide.

New locales added for fy-NL and es-MX

March 26th, 2024

As requested, we've added support for the Frysk fy-NL and Mexican Spanish es-MX locales. Locales can be set up in the Organization Settings page. This feature is available to users who have the Owner role or a role with the General Locales setting enabled.

For more details, check out the localization doc.

Create cleaner schemas with Enumerations

March 26th, 2024

We are excited to bring you the long-awaited Enumerations feature. We've expanded the Schema so you can define your own enumerations and use them in any model or component with the List field. For example, when you want to define days of the week.

Until now, you had to define list values every time you added a List field to a model or component. Now, you only need to create an enumeration once with a set list of values and reuse this list in multiple models or components. This means that you define a cleaner schema without duplicate list definitions.

create enumeration

Check out the enumerations doc for more details.

The enumerations feature is available as from GraphQL API Version 2024-03-26. To activate and use enumerations, check out the GraphQL API upgrade guide.


If you have a Prepr account with list fields defined in your schema, then you're already set:

  • Your list values have been migrated to enumerations.
  • Your duplicate lists have been consolidated into a single enumeration.

Sync your schemas with GitHub for a seamless CI/CD workflow

March 15th, 2024

We are happy to bring you a new feature, the GitHub sync. Until now you could only use the Sync schema feature to sync one schema to another, but it's not always ideal.

The GitHub sync allows you to use standard GitHub functionality to sync schemas between environments. As a developer, this gives you more control over the sync process to manage schema updates exactly the way you need to.

  • You can sync both ways with the GitHub pull and push requests.
  • This sync not only adds items in the schema, but also removes unneeded items.

You benefit from version control in GitHub, namely:

  • You can review the schema change history.
  • And you can revert changes.

Check out the Sync schemas doc for more details on how to Sync your schemas with GitHub.

push pull request

Keep track of user activities with the new Audit log

March 14th, 2024

With the new Audit log feature, it is now possible to keep track of user activities. The Audit log helps developers to troubleshoot errors or inconsistencies with the schema or content. The audit log is available at the organization level and you can filter logged activities by the Date, Environment, User and Resource type.

The audit log shows you Create, Update and Delete actions on content items, models, components, remote sources, enumerations, webhooks, apps, users, assets, roles and segments. You can also track when a user publishes a content item and when a user executes a schema sync or GitHub push/pull sync.

audit log

Check out the Audit log doc for more details.

New Stage option available to create a Testing environment

March 14th, 2024

In our efforts to support the CI/CD process of your development team, you can now choose a Testing stage option when creating a new environment. This will help you adhere to best practices when managing your Development, Testing, Acceptance and Production Prepr environments. Check out DTAP configuration options for more details.

Set the GraphQL API version in code

March 12th, 2024

When we make changes to the GraphQL API that aren't compatible with older versions, we release a new one with a specific date. By default, the API uses the default version associated with your access token. However, in response to customer feedback, you can now override this version using the 'Prepr-Version' header. For more information, refer to our Versioning & Upgrade Guide.

More flexibility with new remote source features

March 4th, 2024

We bring you new remote source features in our ongoing endeavor to advance our existing functionality. The new features listed below give developers more control to manage remote sources more flexibly.

  • Filters

    Now you can enable filters for content editors to find remote items easier like in the example below.

    Add remote content to a content item

    Check out the custom remote source doc for more details on how to set up an endpoint with filters.

  • New remote source actions

    Go to the remote source and click the icon to see the new remote source actions.

    remote source actions

    • Resync remote items

    As a developer, you can now manually resync the items from a remote source. Prepr automatically resyncs remote source items when the changed_on date has been modified, but there are times when you need to resync the items on demand. This way, Prepr CMS is updated and the front end is up to date with current remote items.

    • Activate

    It is now possible to activate the remote source. This is useful when the API endpoint URL is no longer valid or the external source system is updated and no longer matches the endpoint definition. To resolve errors in these situations, the remote source will be deactivated until the issues are fixed. Once fixed, click Activate to reactivate the remote source.

  • New remote source field settings

    • Set as Title and Set as Image

    It is now possible to specify the Title and the Image when defining the fields in your remote source. Prepr uses these settings to display the Title and image for content editors to identify items from the remote source more easily.

    • Make visible when searching for remote content

    You can also choose which of the fields in the endpoint should be made Visible to the content editor. In the field settings, open the Appearance tab to enable or disable this setting.

remote source field settings

Add Stack to the Dynamic Content field

February 28th, 2024

As you've requested, we released a new feature that allows you to add a Stack to the Dynamic content field. This new feature is an extension to the recently released Stack in component. It enables editors to create structured lists in articles that are created with the Dynamic Content field. For example, to add a list of recipes to an article about cooking equipment.

Simply enable components in the list of content types in the Dynamic content field and choose the components that contain a Stack field.

dynamic enable components

By doing this, you allow the content editor to add a component with a Stack field in their dynamic content. For example, they can easily add things like a list of articles to their rich text like in the image below.

dynamic content example

Make the most out of components by including a date field

February 27th, 2024

We are pleased to announce that you can now include a date field in components. Enjoy this flexibility when modeling your content, for example, in an Event component where the event date is an integral part of this type of content.

The date field in a component works the same way it does in a model, with the following options:

  • Single or multiple Date values
  • Single or multiple Date range values
  • Single or multiple Date time values
  • Single or multiple Date time range values
  • Business hours

Check out the Date field for details on how to set up this field.

For developers who need to make API requests, the date field in a component is available as of GraphQL version 2024-01-31.


It’s only possible to read the data. There is no option to filter on those dates.

More accessible content with 27 new Arabic locales

February 6th, 2024

As requested, we've expanded the range of locales with Arabic languages. We've included 27 new countries in the list of locales, such as Egypt ar-EG and Morocco ar-MA. If you have international partnerships and customers, make your content more accessible and marketable by publishing content in their local language.

Check out our localization docs to learn how to work with localization.

Arabic locales

If you need a specific locale that is not listed, please contact our Support Team, and we will add it upon request.

Create better content structures with Stack in a component

January 31st, 2024

The long awaited Stack in a component feature has been released. As a developer, you can now add a Stack field to components. This means that you can create more logical, flexible, and scalable content structures for your component-based pages.

A typical example is when you need a row of buttons in a Call to action. To do this, create a Button row component and add a stack field to it to hold the buttons. You can then add the button row to any component you need like a Call to action.

Watch the video on how to use Stack in components.

add stack field to component

Enjoy a renewed Dynamic Content Editor and Content Item detail page

January 25th, 2024

We are happy to enter the new year with this release which promises to deliver a multitude of benefits to you as a content editor:

We implemented a new front-end framework in preparation for an upcoming release of the Live preview feature. Check out our roadmap for more details. You can now enjoy faster page loads with this update and a consistent layout when editing a content item with reference or stack fields. See below for an example of the renewed look and feel of the Personalization and A/B testing blocks in a stack field:

updated personalization block

This release also includes some reworked code resulting in faster loads and an improvement to the word counter and SEO information. The deprecated Preview button has also been removed, but check out the content item preview doc for details on how to set up your own preview URLs.

A new Dynamic Content Editor has been implemented to give you a better user experience when editing lots of content at once. It's based on an established API that resolves some ongoing issues. You will notice clearer validations in the dynamic content fields, an improvement to the copy-paste function within content items and from external sources to content items, and the ability to use the Undo and Redo options.

New content editor

Make the most out of your components with the location field

January 25th, 2023

We are pleased to announce that you can now include the location field in components. Enjoy this flexibility when modeling your content, for example, in an Event component where the event location is essential for this type of content.

The location field in a component works the same way it does in a model.

For developers who need to make API requests, the location field in a component is available as of GraphQL version 2023-11-02.

Gain more flexibility with new read/write options on your fields

January 25th, 2024

With the release of new read/write options, you have more control over how fields are used by content editors and developers. As requested, you can now set the following new options on a field:

  • Default - The field can be edited in the UI.
  • Read only - The field can’t be edited in the UI, but it can be edited through the API.
  • Hidden for non developers - The field is only visible for users with developer permissions.

field appearance settings

New Stack filter on content items

January 22nd, 2024

We are happy to bring you a new Stack field filter on content items in the GraphQL API and the Prepr UI. This feature makes it even easier to filter your content items. If you have content items with Stack fields that reference other content items, it is now possible to filter by these referenced content items. To add this filter in an API request, check out more details in the reference docs.

filter with stack

Prepr's UI is now up to eight times faster

January 16th, 2024

Prepr continually strives to enhance the reliability and performance of its applications. This is our primary focus, and we are always seeking ways to improve user and developer experiences.

A recent update to our database queries has significantly improved the speed of our APIs and the UI. As a result, working with Prepr has become twice as fast since this past weekend. If you use the Mutation API, GraphQL API, and the Prepr UI in a development chain, you could experience time savings of up to eight times.

If you have any feedback on the speed improvements, feel free to respond to